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Minggu, 26 Desember 2010

Kewel Underground 2.2 (Fixed) TRAINER

 Download : >>>>>Sedot<<<<<

Copyright belongs to : Kewel

Release : 26-12-2010

Status : Undetected

Greetz to : Us-N:.Hero

Spesial Thanks to : HRD, Rcd, UsN_BenSiX, Indrascott..

Thanks to : All member in Forum and all member in

Tested : Win XP Sp2 / Sp3


LeftCTRL + F1 = Bomber On
LeftCTRL + F2 = Bomber Off

Insert = Minimize On
Delete = minimize Off

Home = Wallshot On
F5 = Robot Viper/Hide
F6 = Robot Leopard/DFox
End = WallShot Off & Reset Char / Helm / Baret
LeftCTRL + PrintScreen = WallShot Off & Reset Char / Helem

F10 = Free View Mode (BM)

F11 = Title hack

F12 = Rank hack

LeftCTRL + LEFT ARROW (Ctrl Kiri + Panah Kiri) = Baret Assault
LeftCTRL + RIGHT ARROW (Ctrl Kiri + Panah Kanan) = Baret SMG
LeftCTRL + Up ARROW (Ctrl kiri + Panah ATAS) = Baret Siper
LeftCTRL + DOWN ARROW (Ctrl Kiri + Panah BAWAH) = Baret SG
LeftCTRL + Page Up = Baret Secondary
LeftCTRL + Page Down = Baret Hitam (Tero) buat gaya2an

Numpad 0 = Headger / Helm+++

Numpad 1 = Topeng Putih
Numpad 2 = Topeng Hitam
Numpad 3 = Topeng Rusia
Numpad 4 = Topeng Kotiki
Numpad 5 = Topeng Gurun
Numpad 6 = Topeng Falme
Numpad 7 = Topeng 2 Warna
Numpad 8 = Topeng Besi
Numpad 9 = Topeng Target
Numpad . = Topeng Emas
Numpad / = Topeng Labu
Numpad * = Topeng Pink
Numpad + = Topeng tengkorak
NUMLOCK = Topeng Badut
F7 = Topeng Alien biru
F8 = Topeng Alien Hitam
F9 = Topeng Hospital

Tutor masih sama dengan yang versi sebelumya..
Untuk Replace char, ON kan setelah Ready/Start dan Offkan saat "SEDANG MEMPERSIAPKAN GAME"

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